10 February 2023

Millennium Moments Launches!

18 minute read

We’ve launched a brand-new campaign, Millennium Moments, which branches out to each home across the group! All the homes have chosen something special to focus on over the next 12 months and we’ll be bringing you the best bits!


Lavender Hills have introduced their ‘Lavender Live Well’ campaign which relates to 10 strands including outdoor and physical activity, music and technology, intergenerational activities, dining experiences, pets, hobbies, and relational care!

The campaign is designed to ensure all 10 elements are met within the home to provide the best experience for their residents.

“The reason I chose the Live Well campaign is because life doesn’t, and shouldn’t, stop when a person moves into a care home. Life is for living and living well!

“We have broken it down into 10 sections covering different aspects of life and wellbeing so that we can ensure the care we provide and everything we do provides positive outcomes for all residents.”

Stacey Astin, Home Manager at Lavender Hills
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Lakeside have launched their StimuLake campaign which includes activities to highlight the senses. Their aim is to use sensory stimulation in the home by using everyday objects and gentle activities to help to trigger memories and lessen the feeling of isolation this has also proven to be calming and enjoyable for elderly people.

Sensory stimulation could be something as simple as talking about where you grew up, what your childhood was like or taking a step further and revisiting an area.

“I find StimuLake a massive boost for me, it’s uplifting and helps with my mood and well-being.

“I’m always excited to see what they have planned next so I can get involved; I always look forward to new engaging activities.”

Derek West, Resident at Lakeside
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Following the introduction of a wellness room, Worthington Lake has launched their Wellness at Worthington campaign, they’ll also be carrying on with MIICH - Male Isolation in Care Homes!

Wellness at Worthington is set to improve the physical and mental well-being in the home for staff and residents. They’ve started morning exercises, bird feeding, and recently introduced a hand signal that means staff can take a breather if they feel overwhelmed.

“I’m grateful that we’ve introduced something that is focussed on people’s needs. It’s great to feel valued and appreciated, and I really feel looked after here at Worthington where they prioritise their people over anything else.

“From physical exercises in the morning, to the healthier options to eat, I think it can make a real difference in our lives and is a massive boost for resident and staff morale!”

Alisha Bromley, Activity Coordinator
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Norley Hall are introducing Norley Natter, designed to help merge themselves and the local community for greater causes. The events for the campaign will be held in their coffee shop, The Avenue, where they will invite the local community to host workshops for residents, staff and people in the community.

Ranging from craft classes, discussion groups and fundraising meetings with Activity Coordinator Natasha it’ll be a great opportunity for the group to expand on their community links and support.

“I’ve come up with this campaign to bring communities together, maintain strong connections in an environment that is relaxing and accommodating to help share good ideas and put them into practice.

“One workshop I’m excited about is the Dementia Café as it’s a place where families can share thoughts and feelings, make friends and combat loneliness if they’re feeling isolated.”

Kathryn Rimmer, Home Manager at Norley Hall

“I think this is a great idea. It means I can meet more of my friends and introduce people to my beautiful home.”

Lily Nichols, resident at Norley Hall
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Finally, Windsor House are working on ‘Windsor Wonderers’ which will tell a story about the voluntary work that takes place within the home to make it as special as it is today.

In the coming weeks, Windsor will be searching for local volunteers giving them an opportunity to make a real difference to their residents’ lives and create heart-warming stories that can be shared across the group.

“I’m excited for our team and our residents to meet new, friendly people in the community to become one-to-one buddies.

“From coffee meet-ups, gardening projects and recycling activities, there’s so much we can do together to make a difference in the community and for our residents. It’s exciting and I can’t wait to get started.”

Ewan, Home Manager at Windsor House
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Overall, these campaigns are introduced to showcase the incredible moments that happen every day across Millennium Care.

Kathryn Barton
Written by
Kathryn Barton
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