Careers Event at Wigan Care Home PR
22 May 2024

Millennium Care hosts first careers event

3 minute read

Millennium has supported a local youth charity by hosting a Careers Event for a group of young people.

Norley Hall Care Home hosted the event for the young members of Wigan Youth Zone. The charity is a purpose-built, state-of-the-art youth facility in Wigan that gives young people from across the borough opportunities to make new friends, learn new skills, have new experiences and access the support they need to develop their potential.

Millennium has been Gold Patrons at the charity for one year, supporting them with projects including food poverty, mental health, sport and employability.

The Careers Event aimed to show young people, aged between 16 and 25, the various opportunities available in the care sector.

The staff from Norley Hall and the wider Millennium Care group included a Carer, Deputy Manager, Financial Controller, Group Music Ambassador, Activity Coordinator and a Marketing Manager with varied experience and skills.

“Today’s been really good, it enables us to establish new connections. The young people that were brought today hopefully we can have some work for them but at the same time bring some more people down as well!

“Having a local connection that we can rely on, send their CVs is really good for us. It gives them an experience, allows them to meet employers, allows them to get a feel for what is on the table for them as far as their own qualifications and experience goes and having events like this allows them to explore that.”

Sam Blakeledge, Careers Advisor from Wigan Youth Zone

“It was very insightful in the care industry, I met a lot of new people and made a good connection with the lady in Finance so I might have some work experience out of this. The next step in my career would be finding a temporary job or some office experience before I start my full-time job in September.”

Andrei Buhrou, a young person who attended

“We’ve built up a great relationship with Wigan Youth Zone and we’re always looking for new ways where their service users and our residents can benefit.

“Today was our first Careers Event and we’re hopeful that it will provide a platform for future work that will give young people a better insight.

“The care sector has a brilliant mix of different roles, and it was great seeing the team share their pride and passion.”

Aaron Greaves, Group Marketing & Communications Manager at Millennium Care

For more information about Millennium Care's community impact click here.

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